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"No news is good news . . . and if there is any news, then it was manufactured by you know who . . . and I don't mean the Eskimos." —  Joe Canuck


“It’s the Jews, stupid!” — Patrick from Nanaimo a.k.a. Kooksville


Mr. Luo Zhaohui

Open Letter to Mr. Luo Zhaohui, The Chinese Ambassador to Canada



November 19, 2014



Dear Mr. Luo Zhaohui (罗照辉), China’s Ambassador to Canada


In my earlier letter to you dated September 9, 2014, I solicited the support of the Chinese Government in seeking justice for the 600 million Chinese who became addicted to Rothschild’s opium 200 years ago.  If I win the case, each and every Chinese person in China will receive 8 million yuan.  Chinese who were dispersed over the globe as a result of the turmoil caused by the Rothschilds have a stronger case to make and deserve double compensation in the amount of 16 million yuan per person.



My intentions are honourable and patriotic.  My only aim is to seek an official apology for the victims and monetary compensation from the House of Rothschild for their descendants.  We, the Chinese people, are their descendants, and we should be supported by the Chinese Government in the quest for justice for our ancestors.



I am disappointed that you never responded to my letter and hope that you will respond this time.  Why is it forbidden in Communist China to speak the truth about the Jews?  It was the Jews not the British who started the Opium Wars.  Britain was merely a vassal state of the Jews.  It was the Jews not the British who owned and imported the opium that destroyed an estimated 600 million Chinese lives.  This was the “Chinese Holocaust” and it should be taught in all the schools and to every student!  Why has the Chinese Holocaust been suppressed for so long and why is the truth being suppressed now?



The reason I am writing to you is because I am living in Canada and hold a Canadian passport and you are the Chinese Ambassador to Canada.  Moreover, I do not wish to embarrass the Chinese Premier by writing directly to him in such a bold manner.  Decorum dictates that I should write to you first.  Please tell him that I sincerely wish to work with the Chinese Authorities.  I have deliberately postponed the publication of some of my more provocative essays and will submit them to you upon request before I publish them on my new website. 



My wish is to help China not destroy her.  Please reply at your earliest convenience to see my essays about the real history of the Chinese Communist Party and or to discuss this matter that is of vital interest and monetary benefit to all Chinese people around the world.  Please do not prosecute or persecute me in the future.  Speak now or forever remain silent.


Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Kwong (鄺安柱)





Open Letter to Joshua Wong and all the "Occupy Central" Participants



October 7, 2014



Dear Joshua,


I urge you on behalf of all peace-loving and pro-democracy Chinese people around the globe to stop this insanity and go home.  You have made your point loud and clear and you have had the world’s media attention for one week now.  You have already achieved something great.  There is nothing more to do but go home before someone is seriously hurt or killed.  Once that happens, everything that you have achieved thus far will quickly vanish.  If people die, then their blood will be on your hands.



We do not need another Tiananmen Square Massacre, but this is what we will get if you force the issue.  China is in grave danger right now and is being encircled by the U.S. military in anticipation of World War 3.  Whether you know it or not, you are being manipulated and used as pawns in a larger geopolitical chess game that you will never understand.  If you did understand, you would never have started this idiocy.



Go home and investigate what I have just said.  Go to my website and read my articles to learn who is really benefiting from this chaos and confusion.  You may demand Democracy but what you have shown us in the past 2 weeks is Anarchy.  Anarchy will only beget more Anarchy, not Democracy.  Please, I urge you and all your supporters to stop this insanity now and go home before someone is seriously hurt or killed.


Yours sincerely,

Andrew Kwong aka Joe Canuck

Vancouver, B.C., Canada




Visitors since Sept., 25, 2014

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