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Joe Canuck Regrets and Renounces his Revolutionary Maoist Past and the Massacre of  Whites in South Africa

June 26, 2014 Surrey, British Columbia

The essay below was originally written in 1984 for Dr. Fred Stockholder at the University of British Columbia (UBC).  Dr. Stockholder taught a literature course on the dystopian novel and this essay on J.M. Coetzee's Waiting For The Barbarians was my final term paper for him.  My first essay, incidentally, was on George Orwell's 1984, probably the most famous dystopian novel in the English-speaking world.  Looking back and rereading my essay, I am amazed at just how far to the left I was in my politics, how Maoist, almost, I was, and dare I say, how Jewish I was, really, in wanting to start revolutions all around the world, but particularly in South Africa. [1]


About a year after I wrote my essay on Coetzee's novel, I sent a copy of it to Desmond Tutu, the first black Archbishop of Cape Town in South Africa.  I don't remember what I wrote in my introductory letter to him, nor do I remember why I felt compelled to send a copy of my essay to him.  But judging from the arrogant tone and revolutionary spirit of my essay, I probably sent him a copy out of hubris and to make a case for taking up arms to overthrow the repressive and brutal government of South Africa.  I mailed my essay to Mr. Tutu in the spring of 1985, and two to three months later, in that infamous summer of 1985, there was so much civil unrest and violence in South Africa that a State of Emergency was declared by P.W. Botha's white apartheid government. [2]


I have a distinct memory of seeing a news report on television about the insurrections in Cape Town and seeing a white woman on the street being punched by a black man.  It was a random and senseless act of violence, but to me, at the time, it was also a symbolic act, and I remember thinking that what I was seeing was a good thing because it meant that the revolution had started.  I make this candid confession now only to illustrate just how sick and brainwashed I was by the Jewish propaganda that had demonized the whites of South Africa, that still demonizes the whites today, and not only in South Africa.  Though it is rather fanciful to think that my essay and its call to arms had anything to do with the riots of Cape Town and Johannesburg during that bloody summer of 1985, I am extremely and terribly sorry if it did.  I absolutely abhor the thought that I had anything to do with the black slaughter of whites in South Africa, which some have properly called and given the name of White Genocide. [3]


If you haven't heard about the black genocide of whites in South Africa that's probably because the Jewish owned and controlled International Media doesn't want you to know anything about it. [4]  Out of sight, out of mind, as they say.  It's that simple.  But why doesn't the Jew Media want us to know about this horrible genocide and massacre of white Christians in South Africa?  Could it be because Jew banksters financed and facilitated the destruction of South Africa and the ongoing  genocide of whites in that country?  Could it be that Nelson Mandela was nothing more than a frontman and proxy for the Jews? [5]  In 1994, Nelson Mandela became the first black chief executive of South Africa.  Twenty years after the end of apartheid, South Africa has become the murder and rape and AIDs capital of the world, not to mention being the most dangerous place on earth for whites to live. How could that be considered progress?  If that's democracy, or rather, if that's Jewmockracy, who needs it?  Some call it Democracy, but I call it Jewmockracy. [6]


In 2008, 6 seminal and long-dead years ago, Barack Hussein Obama became the first "black" President of the United States of America. [7]  We now live in the "post-racial" world, which means that racism no longer exists.  This is what the mainstream media talking heads would like us to believe.  But is it true?  Can we really believe the mainstream media except for the sports scores? [8]  Do we really live in a world where a man is judged by the content of his character and not by the color of his skin, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. so eloquently expressed and hoped for 50 years ago?  Are American blacks really better off now than they were before the end of segregation?  Apparently not, not if you ask anyone who has paid any attention and who lives in the real world instead of the Orwellian world that the Jews have so skillfully and so imperceptibly foisted upon all of us.


On the whole, black American intellectuals do not think that blacks are better off than they were before the end of segregation.  Rather, they argue that blacks are worse off now and they cite the high rate of black children born out of wedlock and the unprecedented cases of black-on-black violence and murder as proof.  Prior to Integration, black-on-white crime was virtually unheard of, but it is now routine, if not out of control.  Moreover, a convincing case could be argued that black-on-white assaults and murders are deliberately stoked by the ZioMedia, as evidenced by the recent George Zimmerman case.


Contrary to popular belief, the Civil Rights Acts of the mid-1960s under Lyndon B. Johnson's administration had nothing to do with civil rights and equality.  Instead, Affirmative Action and other similar government handouts to the blacks were tactical maneuvers in the Jews' larger strategic game plan to completely Sovietize America, as they had done in Russia.  It is extremely significant and revealing to point out that before the Red [Jew] Bolsheviks took over Russia in 1917 and renamed it the U.S.S.R., the country had previously been known and called Holy Russia. Christian Russia!  If it hasn't dawned on you by now, let me make it crystal clear to you that Communism is Jewish!  "Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism" — Rabbi Stephen Wise.


Thanks to the Jews, America is no longer a Christian country.  In fact, Christians are now considered terrorist threats.  America today is, for all intents and purposes, a communist country with all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto in effect.  Moreover, Affirmative Action and Integration have been an unmitigated disaster for the blacks as a race. The Civil Rights Acts, with Talmudic forethought and malice, have social-engineered a government-dependent underclass of violent and degenerate blacks living on welfare that is by now in its 5th and 6th generation in only 50 years because blacks get impregnated and reproduce in their early teens.  Dr. James David Manning, a black pastor, gives some pertinent statistics in this video.  Seventy million people would be starving in the streets without Government Welfare Programs in the U.S.A. (U.S.S.A.?)


Evidently, the so-called American Black Civil Rights Movement wasn't even really black or black-led, but was masterminded and financed by Jews.  Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't even his real name, but a Jew invention managed and promoted not unlike the movie stars that came out of their Jew Hollywood.  In short, Martin Luther King Jr. was a frontman for the Jews, nothing more and nothing less. [9]   The blacks were used as Jew proxies in America and in South Africa, just as the homosexuals and transsexuals and immigrants are now being used as their proxies to create division and diversion and a perpetual state of destabilization and disorientation in the host nations. [10]


This divide and conquer strategy has worked well for the Jews and it has become their classic modus operandi, if it is not their default stratagem for group survival as an alien and subversive minority living amongst a sea of Goyim or Christians — their arch enemies as proscribed by their "holy book" called the Talmud.  Genocide of non-Jews advocated by Talmud Minor Tractates: Soferim 15, Rule 10: This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: "Even the best of the Gentiles should all be killed." ("Tob shebe goyyim harog.") [11]

Folks, this is 100% unadulterated pure evil that most normal people will have trouble wrapping their minds around.  It has taken me about 6 months to process this information, myself, and I'm as cynical as they come.  But in the final analysis, this is the only explanation that makes sense.  As the Jews print our money, they have all the money in the world that they want.  So it can't be just about money and greed.  So what is it really about, then, if it's not about the money?  Why are the Jew Masters of our Money Universe creating endless wars and death and destruction? Because that's their religion, stupid!  "Genocides 'R' Us!"


Parenthetically, if Adolf Hitler was truly the devil incarnate, as the Jews would like us to believe, how come we have never had any lasting peace or prosperity since we killed the devil and won World War II in 1945? Have you ever asked yourself this simple but crucial question?  Instead, the Jews give us a world of perpetual fear and a perpetual parade of new Hitlers each time they want to start another war for "Democracy" or what I call Jewmockracy, and they won't stop until they finally get a world of their own a.k.a. The New World Order:  "In everything, we are destroyers — even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief. . . .  We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever.  Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands.  We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." — Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, published in 1924, page 155.


If you don't give any credence to an obscure Jewish author like Maurice Samuel, would you give credence to the "founder" and first Prime Minister of Israel when he says the same thing, albeit in more diplomatic terms and language?  "In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the [Jewish] prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah…." — David Ben Gurion, "Look Magazine," page 20, January 16,1962.



That's right, folks, the New World Order (NWO) that you've heard so much about is really the Jew World Order (JWO).  But of all the 'smoking-gun' confessions that one can find on the Internet (hurry up and do your own research on the Internet before the Jews shut it down), this one is the most succinct and astonishing quotation/confession that I have found thus far about the Jew World Order and with topical reference and pertinence to the now nearly bankrupt and thoroughly degenerate European Union (EU): "We [Jews] intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negroes ruled over by the Jews." — Jewish EU "founding father" Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, in Praktischer Idealismus 1925.  


My dear reader, I bet you had no idea of just how evil the Jews were, did you?  Neither did I, until about 1 year ago when my Green Deal was snubbed by the self-proclaimed 'Green Mayor' of Vancouver.  That was when I started digging around and discovered that our Green Mayor, Gregor Robertson, is nothing more than a Jew puppet of Joel Solomon and that Vancouver's (Solomon's) Green Agenda is ostensibly nothing more than the UN's [Jew-N's] cleverly disguised Malthusian de-population scheme called Agenda 21 . . . that was when my eyes were wide open and I set out on my intrepid journey to unlearn or relearn everything that I had been taught and learned in school and in the Media about the Jews and became, well, Jew-wise, and, really, world-wise.


Now everything makes sense, whereas before nothing did, when I knew next to nothing about Jews.  One year ago, I never would have guessed even if I had lived for a hundred years that Jews were at war with us, that they were waging a covert war with the 99% of humanity who are not Jews — not in a million years would I have imagined or believed in such a cockamamie conspiracy.  But the facts are before us, under our noses, hiding in plain sight, as it were.  Open your eyes and look around you very carefully and try to see what is really going on in your local community and in your country and in the world and you will ultimately find Jews, somewhere, somehow, pulling the strings and levers behind the scenes.  Know thy enemy!  Scientia est potentia: Knowledge is power.


Of course, I do not condemn all Jews, only the guilty ones, only the ones who are responsible for the present mess we find ourselves in.  For those of you who haven't been paying attention, let me be the first to tell you that we are on the verge of a catastrophic economic collapse with the imminent implosion of the U.S. Petrodollar and the start of race wars in America and in Europe, notwithstanding the fact that a black massacre of whites has been taking place in South Africa for the better part of the last two decades. [12]   For the record, I am not an anti-Semite and please do not firebomb my apartment or hurt my 9-year-old daughter. [13]  I do not have an irrational hatred of Jews, but I do have a rational hatred of all the genocidal wars they start. [14]   To paraphrase the late, great Henry Ford, if you want to stop a war, any war, just corral the top 50 Jews.  Or if you prefer a more kosher quotation, it was another Henry, Henry Kissinger, a high priest of the tribe, in a manner of speaking, who facetiously admitted that if the Jews have been persecuted for 2000 years or more, then surely they must be doing something wrong, no? [15]


Indeed, there are many Jews who are good.  Dr. Stockholder, for example, was a good Jew.  He was a major influence on me, for better or worse: I say this equivocally because I had no idea of just how Jewish I was until quite recently.  I had no idea until quite recently of just how insidiously Jewish was my university education and subsequent worldview.  Most of my English Professors at UBC were Jews.  I would guess that 60% of them were Jews, even though Jews compromise only about 1% of the overall population in Canada.  And that was 30 years ago.  I wonder how many of the professors in our universities are Jews these days?  Insofar as Cultural Marxism a.k.a. Political Correctness reigns supreme over the land and can make us self-censor our own thoughts and speech it's really too little and too late in the war to go counting and adding up the number of Jew professors in our elite universities. [16]


Whether you know it or not, you live in a Jew world.  All Western Governments are under Zionist Occupation.  This is why it is OK to criticize your Presidents and Prime Ministers, but not the Jews who actually control them, and ultimately us.  In the Zionist West it is illegal to question the Holocaust.  No 'ifs' or 'ands' or 'buts' — 6 million Jews were gassed to death by the evil Nazis — period!  End of discussion or face legal prosecution in your home country followed by extradition to Israel for further prosecution and an additional lengthy prison term.  If these bogus "anti-Hate Speech" laws don't wake up the sheeple what will?  What will make the sheeple understand that we live under a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) that does not permit any criticism of it?  Zero criticism.  Period!  Gore Vidal once jokingly remarked that when the American public walks, their knuckles touch the ground.  Quite frankly, it wasn't a joke and the same thing could also be said for what passes for the average Canadian these days.  If these transparently anti-free speech a.k.a. anti-Hate Speech Laws don't wake up the sheeple, I'm not at all hopeful that they will ever wake up.


Canadian activists and writers brave enough like Dr. Henry Makow and Arthur Topham who dare criticize Jews and Israel are persecuted and dragged through their Jew-infested and by now thoroughly corrupted and contemptible legal system and Talmudic Courts.  As I write, Mr. Topham is presently in mortal danger of being thrown in jail for a period of 2 years if found guilty under their Orwellian "anti-Hate Speech" Laws. According to these laws, truth is not a permissible legal defense.  Truth is not a defense, nor are the facts.  You will be found guilty even if you are telling the truth under these Jew-conceived ass-backwards anti-Hate Speech Laws.  "In order to find out who rules over you, simply find out who you cannot criticize." — Voltaire.  Need I say more?


Need more proof?  Here is a 2003 video of our current Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and then Australian Prime Minister John Howard reading from the same Zionist script/speech for invading Iraq. No Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) were ever found in Iraq.  ZERO!  That's because there never was any, or doesn't anybody care that we were massively lied to and that thousands of our Allied soldiers died or were maimed for nothing? — not to forget the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who were murdered and or displaced and scattered all over the globe as refugees by that Zionist war, just one of many endless wars for Israel.


News Flash: The U.S. Federal Reserve is not federal and it doesn't have any reserves.  Your money isn't real money but Jew fiat currency printed out of thin air which the Jew banksters then charge the host nations compound interest. [17]   This is the function of the Central Banks, all owned and governed by Jews (i.e. Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, etc.) who create perpetual and unpayable national debts.  This is called "money-as-debt" and the name of the game, as they say.  This is why we destroy other people's nations to give them Democracy, which is really nothing more than a Jew Central Banking System.  This is why I call it a Jewmockracy.  It is "guesstimated" that at the present moment the Jew banksters and their co-conspirators who make up less than 1% of the world's entire population of 8 billion people posses 1000 years' worth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of all the nations on earth . . . but I digress. [18]


Dr. Stockholder is still alive. I found him on Facebook, and I think he is in his early or mid-80s today.  Thirty years ago, he gave me an "A+" for my excellent essay, if I do say so myself.  Waiting For The Barbarians was probably the most psychologically complex novel that I read at UBC and hence this is one of the most psychologically insightful essays I ever wrote at university, or since, for that matter.  My earlier essay for him on George Orwell's 1984 was less successful and I was inexplicably vengeful and confrontational in this essay.  Perhaps I was acting out the master/slave dialectic or dramatizing the Socratic method based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking?  Either way, it achieved an unexpected response and top marks from Dr. Stockholder.  I have the dubious distinction of calling my Professor a “MOTHERFUCKER” in capital letters and in a term paper and still got an A+ mark.  What miraculous days those were at UBC!  How politically-incorrect and glorious were the early 1980s!


For the digital record, here are Dr. Stockholder's comments on my essay:


"This is a strong and clear — somewhat self-exposed, vulnerable, . . . also bullying. Much better this way than obscure, hyper-intellectual, . . . etc. prose.


"Ressentiment is a vice which Nietzsche (?) railed against.  It is that whining promotional, self-indulgent protest that radicals, nationalists, and the religious fall victim.  Rather than complaint and self-pity decent people in the world are expected by Big N [Nietzsche] to take hold and over-come, ergo his hero is the Übermensch — the Overman.  To choose to be the underman, the complainer, the moralizing self-absorption of the sufferer is to choose victimization.  To choose to be the Magistrate is to enter the dialectic, this is to enter real struggle over the decent use of power.  That entry, the entry into the struggle for control, is where Hegel thought enlightenment began.  Do read Charles Taylor's Hegel.


"Your essay is a complaint rather than an understanding of the situation.  A complaint is a higher level than your earlier essay this term.  This one is on the road to enlightenment.  Before you graduate, go to the library and work on this problem.  The point of the master/slave dialectic is that slaves have to understand masters before their chains drop.  Then they must become better masters.  That is why Chekhov told us to squeeze the slave out of ourselves.  If we are to rule democratically, we must act like rulers.  Rulers built the libraries — we must build them and use them as well."



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The Master/Slave Dialectic in J.M. Coetzee's Waiting For The Barbarians by Joe Canuck




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