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[1]  E. Michael Jones has written an excellent book on the subject of the Jews and their revolutionary spirit.  His book is aptly entitled, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit: And Its Impact on World History.  Here is a link to a  video of E. Michael Jones discussing his book and here is a link to some reviews of his book.  Another notable academic is Dr. Kevin MacDonald who wrote The Culture of Critique.


[2]  I had totally forgotten that I had sent a copy of my essay to Desmond Tutu.  I recently found an Press Release for an art exhibition of mine in 1986 which makes mention of my essay arriving in South Africa just a few months before a State of Emergency was declared by P.W. Botha.  


[3]  Dr. David Duke has courageously spoken out against this White Genocide and he has paid a high price for it.  The Jews have demonized him and made him Jewish enemy number 1.  It is estimated that more than 70,000 whites have been murdered in South Africa since the blacks took over in 1994.  Here is an eye-opening and shocking video about the White Genocide in South Africa.

[4]  Who owns the Media? 'The Jews do!' says Brother Nathanael Kapner. Here is a video that names the names of the Jews.  Brother Kapner's videos are often censored and deleted by YouTube [JewTube].  If the link is broken, here is the article in question.  Not only do Jews own the Media, but Jews own America.  Brother Kapner names the Jews who control America in this video.


[5]  Here is an excellent article by Dr. Henry Makow exposing the Jewish puppeteers of Nelson Mandela.


[6]  Why do Jews love Democracy?  Dr. William Pierce explains why in this video.


[7]  According to Christian Identity Pastor Bob Jones, Obama is 'First, a Jew; second, a communist; and third, a faggot.'  In other words, Obama is not the first black American President.  If anything, Obama is the first Falasha Jew or black Jew President of these here United States of Jewmerica.  It has been alleged that Obama's mother was a Jewess, which makes Obama a Jew, as Jews are matrilineal.  It has also been alleged that Obama's real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a well-known communist agitator.  Obama was a 'red diaper baby'  goes the joke.  (Red is the color of communists.) 



As for Obama's homosexuality: Larry Sinclair claims he gave then Senator Obama fellatio (blow jobs) on more than one occasion in 1999.  Sinclair also alleges he did crack cocaine with Senator Obama in 1999.  Do an engine search for 'Obama Gay Sex' and you will find dozens of videos on YouTube [JewTube].  YouTube is owned by Jews and so-called 'anti-Semitic' or 'hate' videos that become too popular are vigilantly censored and deleted for fear that they might go viral.  Here is just one video of many.  Mia Pope gives a persuasive historical account of Barack Obama's (real name: Barry Soetoro's) drugged-up queer life in Hawaii during the late 1970s.  Here is a very funny video spoof of Obama's autobiography, "Dreams From My [Real] Father."


If the President is a homo, does this make his marriage to Michelle a sham?  At the risk of being dismissed as a conspiracy nut, I am of the belief that Michelle [Michael] Obama is a transvestite.  I always thought she was rather mannish.  There was a video on YouTube that gives compelling evidence that Michelle is indeed a man! . . . but that was deleted for fear of it going viral.  When I viewed the video in question, it had already had close to a million hits after only 1 week.  I recently found the video again.  Click
here to view it, if it's still up at JewTube.


[8]  Ninety-nine-point-nine percent (99.9%) of all the world's Media are owned by Jews and should be considered as psychological operations (PSYOPS)  or counter-intelligence operations (COINTELPRO) also known as psychological warfare or manufacturing consent or social engineering or simply propaganda. 



There are about half a dozen free newspapers in the lower-mainland of Vancouver such as "24hrs" and "Metro," which have almost next to nothing in advertising revenues.  The ads that they do have are always the same and I wonder if these ads are real in the first place.  How do these free newspapers survive?  Who is subsidizing these newspapers to the tune of tens of millions of dollars each year?  Jews?  This would certainly explain why these "newspapers" never tell us what is really going on in the world and instead spew out their anti-Christian, anti-family and pro-homo and pro-war-for-Israel propaganda. 



Both "24hrs" and "Metro" are distributed nationwide and can be found in all the major urban centers across Canada.  Why?  For a people famous for being cheap and stingy, this massive expenditure on propaganda is certainly out of character.  So why do Jews spend so much money on propaganda then?  Why do Jews spend billions of dollars worldwide each year to keep the masses dumbed-down and or distracted with celebrity gossip and or transient sports news? 



Could it be because Jews don't want us to know what they are really up to and how they rule over us without any of us really knowing it, just as a fish does not really know that it is swimming in water?  Due to their complete control over our Media and information the vast majority of us, say, 99% of the people, have no understanding whatsoever that we live in a Jew world.  If you are reading this, then, my dear reader, consider yourself in the elite top 1% of the truly engaged and informed citizens of the world . . . and don't even get me started on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) — the most insidious, and therefore, the most dangerous Zionist PSYOP in Canada, in my learned opinion. 



Honestly, how long would the CBC last (1 or 2 minutes; if that?) without the perpetual and massive government subventions, which are really our money, as in taxpayers' money?  The perpetual and massive government subventions to CBC are really nothing more than a tax on all Canadians (99% of whom are non-Jews) to pay for Jew propaganda . . . similar to the bogus kosher food tax and scam.  The CBC should really be renamed and more accurately called the Communist Broadcasting Corporation.

[9]  "The Beast As Saint" is the title of a video that claims Martin Luther King Jr. was a 3rd-rate mind and plagiarist who cheated in order to obtain his Ph.D., but that this gigantic character flaw and academic fraud was overlooked by the Jews who promoted him and financed the blacks as a proxy army against the white Christians whom the Jews feared and hated the most.  "The strongest supporters of Judaism cannot deny that Judaism is anti-Christian" — "Jewish World" March 15, 1924.


[10]  The best explanation of the Jewish problem I've heard or read so far is one of parasitism, as in the Jews are a parasitic race.  Eustace Mullins brilliantly explained this in his essay, "The Biological Jew."

[11]  In order to understand the Jews you need to understand their so-called "holy book" or Talmud and this is what it has to say about us non-Jews or Goyim (human cattle):


Only Jews are human, all non-Jews are non-human. Baba Mezia 114a-114b.

Murdering Christians is the same as killing a wild animal.  SANH. 78B and 79A.

Christian birth rate must be diminished materially.  Zohar (II, 64b)

It is permitted to deceive Christians.  Babha Kama (113b)

Jews may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian.  Babha Kama (113a)

The Blessed Mary is a whore.  Sanhedrin 106a.

Jesus Christ is a sorcerer and condemned to boil in excrement and semen for all of eternity.  Gittin57a.

Thanks to the Jews, homosexuality is now the new normal.  What's next, Pedophilia?  This would certainly make all the Rabbis happy, for it is stated in their Talmud that:

"If a woman sported lewdly with her young son, a minor, and he committed cohabitation with her; he renders her unfit for the priesthood, unless he is under eight years of age."  SANH. 470.

"When a baby girl has attained the age of three years and a day, she is fit for cohabitation."  YEB. 60B.

"A baby girl under three years and one day is always reckoned as a virgin because if she had intercourse previously, the hymen would grow back." KETHO BOTH 10B and 11A.

"Baby girls of three invoke sadistic punishments on those who have intercourse with them when they are menstruating."  SAN. 55B and 69A.

The Christian mind boggles at the Jews' depravity, but having sex with the dead body of one of your relatives is absolutely freaking unbelievable: Intercourse is permitted with a dead relative regardless of whether she was single or married.  YEB. 55B

[12]  Expect a major false flag on American soil to smokescreen the implosion of the U.S. Petrodollar if World War 3 does not start in Ukraine. This is why the Jew Media has demonized Russian President Putin and why the Jew banksters backed a bloody coup in Kiev and are sending mercenaries, as I write, to south-east Ukraine.  Here is a video of the indiscriminate shelling of civilians in Slavyansk that you will never see in the mainstream Jew Media.

[13]  An anti-Semite used to mean someone who didn't like Jews, but now it means someone the Jews don't like.  Folks, don't be fooled by this anti-Semite stuff.  The Jews' greatest fear is not persecution but assimilation. This is why in Israel it is unlawful for a Jew to marry a non-Jew.  Don't believe me?  Here's a link.  Jews think they are better than us.  In fact, they regard the rest of us non-Jews as cattle.  Our females are 'Shiksas.' (Whores or unclean meat.)  See how Jews treat women who are not Jewish.  Nowadays in order to immigrate to Israel you need to prove you are a real Jew with a DNA Test.  But you will never hear or read any of this Jewish racist and supremacist bullshit in our mainstream Media because Jews totally own and control our mainstream Media.

[14]  Jews are masters of deception and genocide.  We have all been brainwashed into thinking that they are the persecuted ones, when in fact Jews are ostensibly behind all of the revolutions and wars and genocides of the past 250 years.  "The Secret Holocaust" by Eustace Mullins is a must-read.  What the Jews are doing to the Palestinians today is proof positive of their genocidal nature, if not proof positive of their sick religious beliefs, if one can call their bloodthirsty genocidal racism a religion.  Here is just one of many of the real "Jewish" Holocausts that you will never hear or read about in the mainstream Jew Media.  Stalin, the man responsible for the Holomodor and the deaths of 7-11 million Ukrainians, was a Jew!

[15]  For those who think Jews are "God's chosen," [self-chosen] please do your own research on the Internet before it is too late.  If the Jews get their way, there will be no more Internet very soon.  But be careful of the so-called "alternative media," for the Jews have also infiltrated it, if they did not invent the "alternative media" in the first place.  My advice to you is quite simple.  Go to the source.  Read what the Jews say.  In particular, read and study their Talmud.  This will explain why Jews act the way they do and why we have had so many wars, and why we, the Goyim, (cattle) are being slowly but surely genocided by their GMOs and Chemtrails.

[16]  Political Correctness is Jewish! Most people think Political Correctness dates back to the late 1980s, but it actually has a long history that dates back to the Jew Bolsheviks just after the First World War I  (1914-1918).  Here are some informative videos on Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness.

[17]  Among the Jews themselves, it is an open secret that the Federal Reserve is a Zionist Cabal headed by the Rothschilds.  Eustace Mullins was the first to expose this banking conspiracy and fraud in his seminal book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, published in 1952.  Since then, there have been numerous imitators, the most notable being G. Edward Griffin.

[18]  Tim Rifat has consistently made this claim.  He believes that the Rothschild Jew banksters already posses 1000 years' worth of the present GDP of all the nations on earth.  In other words, the Rothschilds and their minions are rich beyond even the wildest dreams of old man Mayer Amschel Rothschild.  When the old man died in 1812, his 5 sons spread across Europe and set up banks in all the major capital cities.  Nathan Mayer Rothschild is probably the best-known Rothschild of the five sons because he settled in London and infamously boasted that, "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."






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